Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Post-test 9/8

After your test, you may choose this article from yahoo news or the article from the post on 9/7 about North Korea.

Post-test article:

You must write a 1 page reflection of this article. Include your thoughts and opinions about the story and tie something in the article to information you have learned in this class thus far.

Due today.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Students, don't forget your first test is Wednesday, September 8th.
Click on this link for a great extra credit article for your test! It is about North Korea and China...both countries on our dictator list!Read more to see why the leaders from these countries met last week.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday 9/1 Homework


You will create a political cartoon based on pgs 1 OR 2 in your note packet for homework.

Remember, a political cartoon uses a picture/visual and little words to convey a message.
Cartoon is due at the beginning of class on Thursday 9/2