Hello students! My name is Mrs. Ashley and I will be your Civics and Economics teacher.
This is my blog. I use this often to update you on issues, upload assignments, homework, classwork and projects or get to just get your feedback on things.
Your first assignment in this class is to fill out a survey. -- You get a 100 as your first grade if you complete this...Easy!
I look forward to working with all of you this year. Right click the link below and choose "open in new tab" so it will open up above and still keep this tab open. Check back soon!
This is my blog. I use this often to update you on issues, upload assignments, homework, classwork and projects or get to just get your feedback on things.
Your first assignment in this class is to fill out a survey. -- You get a 100 as your first grade if you complete this...Easy!
I look forward to working with all of you this year. Right click the link below and choose "open in new tab" so it will open up above and still keep this tab open. Check back soon!