Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Post-test 9/8

After your test, you may choose this article from yahoo news or the article from the post on 9/7 about North Korea.

Post-test article:

You must write a 1 page reflection of this article. Include your thoughts and opinions about the story and tie something in the article to information you have learned in this class thus far.

Due today.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Students, don't forget your first test is Wednesday, September 8th.
Click on this link for a great extra credit article for your test! It is about North Korea and China...both countries on our dictator list!Read more to see why the leaders from these countries met last week.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday 9/1 Homework


You will create a political cartoon based on pgs 1 OR 2 in your note packet for homework.

Remember, a political cartoon uses a picture/visual and little words to convey a message.
Cartoon is due at the beginning of class on Thursday 9/2

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Welcome to Civics and Economics- Fall 2010

Hello students! My name is Mrs. Ashley and I will be your Civics and Economics teacher.
This is my blog. I use this often to update you on issues, upload assignments, homework, classwork and projects or get to just get your feedback on things.

Your first assignment in this class is to fill out a survey. -- You get a 100 as your first grade if you complete this...Easy!

I look forward to working with all of you this year. Right click the link below and choose "open in new tab" so it will open up above and still keep this tab open. Check back soon!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Directions for NHC Candidate Project

Using a real candidate running in New Hanover County, create a faux Twitter page
  • Tweets must be 140 characters or less
  • Tweets may "connect" to an outside link, web page, etc...
  • Tweets must be relevant to candidate's: party, platform, issues, position
  • Tweets must be politically relevant
  • Must include at least 10 tweets
  • Must include at least 10 followers
  • Must follow at least 5 groups: people/candidate.
  • What would he/she tweet?
  • Who would be following him/her?
  • Who would he/she be following?

The goal of a candidate's twitter page is to help campaign, so remember that as you move through your project!

Due Thursday, May 6th

Info about Twitter

So, you say so you don't know really what TWITTER is about?

Check out their web page that explains all about it!

You can use this info to help you on the Twitter Candidate Project!

Choose a candidate (twitter project)


Use this link to help choose a local candidate for your Twitter Project!

Directions for the Twitter Project are posted above.

Mrs. A