Thursday, December 3, 2009

Goal 4 ClassScape Assessments

Due: Monday, December 7th @ 6pm

1st block:

1. 509-84N
2. 30V-T39

3rd block:

1. 20K-M2R
2. 20K-02S

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope you all enjoy the break with your family! Remember, you will have a quiz on the CH 22 Vocabulary on Monday!
Use this time to reflect on what YOU have to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving!

Mrs. Ashley

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Goal 4: Political Parties

Check out the following site and follow the directions below. (right click link and open in new window)
Complete numbers 1-2 after the ClassScape benchmark assessment.

1. Take the 9 question quiz under the heading: "It's My Party"
After the quiz write down the party that matches your repsonses as well as the explanation under it.

2. Go to
Take this quiz called the World's Smallest Political Quiz. This will show where you are on the political spectrum.
After the quiz, on the same sheet of paper write down the political group that agrees with you the most and the descrption of that group.

You should have two types with two descriptions on your paper.

Bellwork 11/19:
The bellwork for today will be a response to these results. For example,were you surprised by which party you were matched with? Why or Why not? Do members of your family feel the same way?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

ClassScape assignments

I have created 2 more classScape assignments. It covers goals 2.05 & 2.06
(Due by 11/16)

1st: 30C-Z4M

3rd: 10M-E2B

**If you did not complete the 2 classScape assignments from last week come see me for the codes. If you choose not to complete you will receive a zero on two classwork assignments.